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Teams are collections of people with similar interests pooling their Reputation and contributions together. Visitors to a team's page can see information about the team and its members.

Forming a team can be incredibly useful. Companies form a team to work on guides together without the delay of permissions and patrolling. Teams can also be used to partner up with different members that work on similar content. By pooling knowledge people can more efficiently create accurate guides.

Whatever the use, anyone can start their own team to work with others, be it co-workers, trainee partners, or just like-minded folks.

To view, create, join, or edit teams, select "Teams" from your dropdown user menu.

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You then be taken to your site's Team page, where all teams on your site will be displayed. Teams to which you belong will be displayed at the top of the list, highlighted in blue.

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What Happens When I Join a Team?

Once you join a team, the team name and avatar will be displayed underneath your name when people view your profile. Once a member, you can edit a team's information in the About section of the team page, and view all other members of your team.

Teams Page

Once you are on the Teams page, there are a few different things you can do.

View or Join an Existing Team

To check out one of the teams that already exists, click on a team name or team avatar. This will take you to that team's profile. The tabs across the top allow you to navigate between the different parts of the team's profile in the same way you would on an individual's profile.

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On the top of the team's page is the team name, picture, stats, summary, and a "Join Team" button (the button will say "Leave Team" if you have already joined). This button will not be visible if you are already a member of a different team. If you want to join the team, simply click the "Join Team" button.

  • The "About" tab contains all of the information about the team. This usually explains why the team was formed, talks about the people in the group, and contains pictures.
  • The "Contributions" tab automatically updates with everything that each member of the group contributes to the site.
  • The "Activity" tab automatically updates with a list of recent activities performed on the site by team members. Clicking on an activity will take you to the page that was changed.
  • The "Members" tab shows a list of every member in a team and allows you to go to their individual profiles by clicking either their name or avatar image.

Team Reports

The "Reports" tab allows you to view the completion status for each category and guide on you site for each member of the team.

You can filter the view by Guides or by Members. The status bars on the right represent the percentage of the category of guides that have been completed by the users on the team.

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You can click on the user to view more specific information, including the date the member joined the team, the amount of guides in this category completed so far, the user's profile and a link to the completion stats for this category.

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Clicking on the "View Completion Stats" button allows you to see a list of the guides in the category along with the dates the user completed the guides. If the user has yet to complete a guide in this category, a red "X" will appear before the guide listed.

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Guide Completion Stats

Search Teams

At the top of the "Teams" page, there is also a search bar. You can use this to search for a specific team name or part of a team name. This is one of the reasons to create a descriptive team name—it helps it turn up in search results.

Create a New Team

Feel like making a team of your own? Click the "Create a new team" link to get started.

  1. Type your desired team name in to the "Team Name" field. This name can be anything you want, but a name describing the purpose or members of the team usually helps guide new site users to your team.
  2. Write a short description—usually only a couple sentences—about your team in the "Summary" text field. This is the information that will appear under your team name on your team's banner. This should just sum up who your team is for or what its purpose is. You will have the chance to edit the team "About" tab once the team is created.
  3. If you want the team to be open to anyone, select the "Anyone" option in the "Who can join your team?" section. Select the "Invite Only" option if you prefer your team to remain exclusive to the users you invite.
  4. Click "Save."

Inviting Users to a Team

Admins and the team creator can invite users to a team. To do so, click the "Invite Members" link below the team image on the team page.

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The team invitation window will appear. Enter the email addresses for the users you'd like to invite to the team and include a personal message. Select the "Force invites" checkbox if you wish to automatically add users to the team without waiting for them to accept the invitation.

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Editing a Team

After you create or join a team, different editing options will become available. Any privileged user (Admin or Author) or member of a team can edit the Team page. First, click the "Edit" tab on the top right of the team page.

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Team Name & Avatar

You can add and edit your team's main image and title in this section.

Team Summary

The team summary can include a summarized overview of your team and its members or purpose. The summary will appear in the title banner at the top of your team page as well as in the team's banner on the main Teams page that displays all site teams.

About Section

In this area, include all of the information or images relating to your team. This is the main part of the team page and will be the first thing that users see when they view your team page. It should contain the full description of your team's purpose and anything else you think is important. You can also upload images and documents to this page as well as create links to other pages on your site. For more information about uploading images and documents, check out our page about Using Media.

Team Location

To set the location of your team, or secret team headquarters, click the "Share your location..." link. A Google map will appear, then you can drag and drop the placemarker to your desired location. You can zoom in, zoom out, scroll, and check out street view using the buttons on the map screen.

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Team Exclusivity

If you want to change the team to be "Invite Only," select this option under "Who can join this team?" If you select "Anyone," any user with access to your site will be able to join the team.

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Delete a Team

Only admins and page creators have the ability to delete a team page. To do so, simply go to the "Edit" tab, scroll to the bottom of the page, then click the "Delete Team" button. This will erase all of the information about the team and remove all members, but will not delete anything from any individual user's page or reputation.

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